decimal notation of 335 = 335.0
8 thousandths in decimal notation = 0.008
4000000 in decimal notation is 4.0 x 10 ^ 6.
The standard decimal notation is 8,754.4The scientific notation is: 8.7574 x 10^3
15.7 percent in decimal notation = 0.15715.7% = 15.7%/100% = 0.157
The number IS in decimal notation!
3.88 is decimal notation.
decimal notation of 3.159 = 3.159
decimal notation of 335 = 335.0
0.05 is already in decimal notation.
300 is already in decimal notation.
It is already in decimal notation as 4.8
decimal notation of 960000 = 900000 + 60000
537 in decimal notation = 537.0
The decimal notation for 0.6 percent is 0.006
15 hundredths in a decimal notation = 0.15
13/25 decimal notation