44.4444444444444444_ %
Net words per minute is your total words with the error rate calculated into the result. Gross words per minute is the total words typed, without subtracting any errors.
1,500 words per minute.
Divide top and bottom by 60: 5000 / 60 = 83.33 / 1 = 83.33 words per minute
you are not faster, you are slower, Sarah types 20 more words in a minute than you do.
A world record that has never, ever been experienced before, and most likely would never be experienced again. Good typists type between 60-80 words per minute. Fast typists type between 80-110 words per minute. Very fast typists can reach speeds of 120 words per minute. Transcriptionists often reach speeds of 140-160 words per minute. The best typists can type 160-240 words per minute. The world record for typing speed is 360 words per minute with a 97.23% accuracy rate (meaning very few mistakes). 4,000 words per minute would be a record that would hold forever!
WPM = Words Per Minute gwpm = Gross Words Per Minute
44.4444444444444444_ %
Gross Words Per Minute Gross Words Per Minute
Net words per minute is your total words with the error rate calculated into the result. Gross words per minute is the total words typed, without subtracting any errors.
Words per minute is the actual total number of words you have typed (including deleted words), whereas Gross words per minute is the number of words you have typed excluding the ones you typed but deleted. Does that make sense?
150 words per minute
1,500 words per minute.
250 words per minute wrong! 212 words per minute
90 words per minute
Net words per minute is determined by measuring a typist's average gross speed in words per minute over a ten-minute period and subtracting the number of errors made during that period.
It is 225 words per minute!