a hole number is a number without decimals so your answer is 48 if it was 47.4 it would be 47 .4 and below you round down and .5 and above you round up.
674.75 rounded to the nearest whole number = 675
6.5 to the nearest whole number is 7.
It is 10 rounded to the nearest whole number
51.625 to the nearest whole number is 52
20.663 to nearest whole number is 21
674.75 rounded to the nearest whole number = 675
No, it means rounding to the nearest whole number.The nearest whole number is the nearest one .The nearest whole number to 1.9 is 2 .So the nearest whole number to 1,624,381.9 is 1,624,382 .
7.2 = 7 ( to nearest whole number).
6.5 to the nearest whole number is 7.
1.6 to the nearest whole number = 2
It is 10 rounded to the nearest whole number
51.625 to the nearest whole number is 52
20.663 to nearest whole number is 21
1.523 rounded to the nearest whole number is 2
36.1 its the nearest whole number
what is the nearest whole number to 152.58
9 is the nearest whole number.