25,734 rounded to the nearest thousand is: 26,000. The nearest ten thousand would be: 30,000. In this case both get rounded up because the numbers are 5 or above.
2,793,149 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand would be 2,800,000. The "hundred-thousands" place is 7, and the next most significant digit is 9. If the next-most-significant digit is 4 or lower, we round down; if it's 5 or greater, we round up. Since the "next-most-significant digit" is 9, we round up from 7 to 8.
Consider the part of the number that is less than 1000 - this is 733. If 733 is nearer to 1000 - it is rounded up to the thousand above. If 733 is nearer to 0 - it is rounded down to the thousand below. In this case, 733 is nearer to 1000 so the number is rounded up. 62733 is rounded up to 63000.
Rounded up to the nearest thousand, 78500 rounds to 79000.
If you round it up, you get 8600000.
25,734 rounded to the nearest thousand is: 26,000. The nearest ten thousand would be: 30,000. In this case both get rounded up because the numbers are 5 or above.
If you mean 324,650 then rounded up to the nearest thousand it is 325,000
2,793,149 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand would be 2,800,000. The "hundred-thousands" place is 7, and the next most significant digit is 9. If the next-most-significant digit is 4 or lower, we round down; if it's 5 or greater, we round up. Since the "next-most-significant digit" is 9, we round up from 7 to 8.
To round 9945 to the nearest thousand, we look at the hundreds place, which is 9 in this case. Since 9 is greater than or equal to 5, we round up. Therefore, 9945 rounded to the nearest thousand is 10,000.