Well, 25 twos is equal to 50. So 10 fives are equal equal to 25 twos.
125 / 5 = 25
Times. Four of fives is four lots of fives of 4 times five which is 20.
10 + 3*5 = 10+15 = 25
Well, 25 twos is equal to 50. So 10 fives are equal equal to 25 twos.
4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.4 fives, which would leave you with 0.
125 / 5 = 25
Times. Four of fives is four lots of fives of 4 times five which is 20.
count by fives (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, ect.)
10 + 3*5 = 10+15 = 25
FOUR (4)
5 x 5 = 25... 25 + 5 = 30.... 30 / 5 = 6.
(5 - 5/5)/.5