

What is 4y equals 20?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What is 4y equals 20?
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If x=2, then 7x = 14 and if y=5 then 4y=20.

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3x - 2y = 20 Substitute x = 4y into this equation: 3(4y) - 2y = 20 ie 12y - 2y = 20 10y = 20 so that y = 2 and then x = 4y gives x = 2*4 = 8

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(8, 2)

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x = 4y 3x - 2y = 20 Substituting the value of x into the second equation, 3*(4y) - 2y = 20 ie 12y - 2y = 20 or 10y = 20 so that y = 2 Then x = 4y = 4*2 = 8. So (x , y) = (8 , 2)

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3y - 7 + y + 27 = 6y + 20 - 4y Collect terms: 4y + 20 = 2y + 20 Subtract 20 4y = 2y The only way that can happen is if y = 0

Which line represents 5x plus 4y equals 20?

5x+4y=20 is technically the equation of a line. A more familiar representation of the line is in "y equals" notation. This simply means that the y variable has been isolated (this notation is usually required for graphing calculators). To get the equation in y equals notation, simply isolate the y variable: 5x+4y=20 4y=(-5)x+20 y=((-5)x+20)/4

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5x+4y = 20 4y = -5x+20 y = -5/4x+5 Therefore: slope is -5/4 and intercept is 5