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50 micro ampheres

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Q: What is 50mA equal to?
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Assume a device draws 50ma of current and 150vdc across it what is its resistance?

Ohm's law: Voltage = Current times Resistance Solve: Resistance = Voltage divided by Current So, a device drawing 50ma with 150V has a resistance of 150 / 0.05, or 3000 ohms. p.s. Since power is volts times amps, that device is dissipating 7.5 watts.

What power source is needed for 26 small 12volt incandescent 50ma lights?

They could be run in parallel from a 12 v 1.5 amp power supply.

There is a total of 500mA of current into five parallel resisters the currents through four of the resistors are 50mA 150mA25mA and 25mAand 100mA what is the current through the fifth resister?

150 mA is.

What does 50mA mean?

m means milli,as in 1/1000A means Amps50mA is =0.050 AmpsAmps is the amount of current passing through a device.

What can be pulling to much power from my van and not returing it to my battery?

Its called a parasitic draw. Any electrical component in the vehicle could cause it. To test for a draw, pull the negative battery cable and use a meter to measure amperage between the battery terminal and cable. The reading should usually be below 50mA or <.050 amps.

What is the maximum voltage to normal type LED with out using resistor?

This varies depending on the color. Try driving them with a current source instead. About 5mA to 50mA should work on any LED. Using a voltage source will blow some colors, and not light other colors at all. Of course a current source is likely to be more expensive than a series resistor.

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It is equal to 1.8It is equal to 1.8It is equal to 1.8It is equal to 1.8

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as equal as, so equal as, more equal than, the most equal of.

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equal set mean the set is equal equal est means that the set is equal

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Yes, any two equal things are equal!

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equal angles are angles that are equal

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