0.525 written as a fraction = 525/1000
525% = 21/4
It is 525/1 grams. If you want it expressed as a fraction of some other quantity then you need to specify the second quantity.
525/1000 = 21/40
525 = 525/1, although I see no reason why anyone would wish to write it like that.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To turn 525% into a fraction, we first remember that percent means "per hundred." So 525% is the same as 525/100. To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by 25 to get 21/4. And just like that, we've created a lovely, simplified fraction from our original percentage.
525% = 5.25 = 525/100 = 21/4 = 51/4
48.379 microns