If you divide both the numerator and denominator by 25, you get 21/40.
12/35 (180/15 / 525/15)
525% = 21/4
14/175 is.
it is 2 525/1000
It is 525/1000 = 21/40 simplified
If you divide both the numerator and denominator by 25, you get 21/40.
12/35 (180/15 / 525/15)
525% = 21/4
It is: 35/525 = 1/15 simplified
0.525 written as a fraction = 525/1000
It is 525/1 grams. If you want it expressed as a fraction of some other quantity then you need to specify the second quantity.
In its simplest form 525/1000 = 21/40
14/175 is.
it is 2 525/1000