

Best Answer

5 - x - 2 = 3 + 4x + 5

3 - x = 4x + 8

3 = 5x + 8

-5 = 5x

x = -1

Check it.

5 - (-1) - 2 = 4

3 + (-4) + 5 = 4

It checks.

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Q: What is 5 - a number - 2 equals 3 plus 4 times a number plus 5?
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then 4 plus 3 equals 28 and 3 plus 3 equals 18 and 7 plus 5 equals 84 .... its easy you just have to multiply the answer with the first number.. for example : 2 plus 3 equals 5 but when you multiply the answer with the first number (2) it becomes equals 10, and so on the others..