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Q: What is 5 degrees of fall in cm?
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How much fall at 2 degrees over 6 metres?

It is a fall of approx 21 cm.

What is the angle adc in the quadrilatera abcd when angle abc is 90 degrees and its sides are ab is 3 cm bc is 4 cm cd is 7.4 cm da is 4.3 cm?

If you mean quadrilateral ABCD then by using Pythagoras' theorem diagonal AC is 5 cm and using the cosine rule angle ADC works out as 41.04 degrees.

How many circles of radius of 5 degrees can be cut from a cartolina 42cm by 32cm?

It's not a circle if it's radius of 5 degrees. If it's 5 cm radius, then 12 circles.

What is the radius of the cone if the slant is 10Cm and the angle is 5 degrees?

r = 0.1389 cm

Water freezes at 0 Celsius the weather forecast predicts a low temperature overnight of 5 Celsius How many more degrees will the temperature have to fall before the pond freezes?

The temperature will have to fall 5 more degrees to reach freezing point (0 Celsius).

What is the simplest way to work out the volume of an equilateral triangular prism that has equal edges that add up to 45 cm?

Each edge will be 5 cm so: 0.5*5*5*sin(60 degrees)*5 = 54.127 cubic cm to 3 d.p.

How do you find a regular octagon with size 5 cm?

It is an octagon each of whose sides is 5 cm long and each of whose interior angles measures 135 degrees.

What continent is 5 degrees south and 55 degrees west?

The coordinates 5 degrees south and 55 degrees west point to South America. More specifically, these coordinates fall in the northern part of Brazil.

What are the angles of a triangle that has sides of 26 cm 24 cm and 19 cm?

Using the cosine rule they are 73.37 degrees, 62.19 degrees and 44.44 degrees which all add up to 180 degrees

What is the surface area of a regular pentagon that has a perimeter of 37.5 cm?

The 5 sided regular pentagon will consist of 5 congruent isosceles angles with equal sides of 6.379881063 cm by using the sine rule and 2 equal base angles of 54 degrees with an apex angle of 72 degrees opposite side 7.5 cm Area of the pentagon: 0.5*6.379881063^2 *sin(72)*5 = 96.77685379 square cm

What are the interior angles of a triangle that has sides of 2 cm by 4 cm by 3 cm?

Using the cosine rule they are 28.96 degrees, 104.47 degrees and 46.57 degrees which all add up to 180 degrees.

Does a ball fall faster through water at 25 degrees Celsius or 5 degrees Celsius?

neither, the water is not frozen at either temp