Fractions with like denominators: 1. the larger the numerator, the greater is its value. 2. the smaller the numerator, the lesser is its value. Examples. 3/5 > 2/5 1/4 < 2/4
Roman Numerals: I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1000 Rules for writing Roman Numerals: 1. A letter can only be written 3 times. Ex. III=3 2. If a letter of lesser value is written after another letter of greater value, add it. Ex. XI = 11 (10+1=11) 3. If a letter of lesser value is written before another letter of greater value, subtract it. Ex. IX = 9 (10-1=9) A. I, X and C are the only letters which can be placed before a letter of greater value. Ex. 45 is written as XLV (40+5) and not VL (50-5) B. Only one letter of lesser value can be written before another letter of greater value. Ex. 23 is written as XXIII (20+3) and not IIXXV (25-3). C. Subtract only a number that is 10 less than the greater number. Ex. IL is not allowed. To write 49, write XLIX instead. 4. A bar is placed above a number to express thousands. .....__ ..........._ ..............._ Ex. V = 5000, X = 10000, L = 50000
1 - I 2 - II 3 - III 4 - IV 5 - V (10 - X, 50 - L, 100 - C, 500 - D, 1000 - M) and remember, you can't have 3 of the same character in a row, and, if you put the lesser before the greater (eg. CM - 900), you must deduct the lesser from the greater
It is lesser by one pint.
Fractions with like denominators: 1. the larger the numerator, the greater is its value. 2. the smaller the numerator, the lesser is its value. Examples. 3/5 > 2/5 1/4 < 2/4
No, it is not.
The greater of two numbers is 7 more than the lesser Three times the greater number is 5 more than 4 times the lesser number Find the numbers?
5 is greater than 0,but -5 is lesser than 0
1/5 is greater because its value as a decimal is 0.2
Roman Numerals: I=1 V=5 X=10 L=50 C=100 D=500 M=1000 Rules for writing Roman Numerals: 1. A letter can only be written 3 times. Ex. III=3 2. If a letter of lesser value is written after another letter of greater value, add it. Ex. XI = 11 (10+1=11) 3. If a letter of lesser value is written before another letter of greater value, subtract it. Ex. IX = 9 (10-1=9) A. I, X and C are the only letters which can be placed before a letter of greater value. Ex. 45 is written as XLV (40+5) and not VL (50-5) B. Only one letter of lesser value can be written before another letter of greater value. Ex. 23 is written as XXIII (20+3) and not IIXXV (25-3). C. Subtract only a number that is 10 less than the greater number. Ex. IL is not allowed. To write 49, write XLIX instead. 4. A bar is placed above a number to express thousands. .....__ ..........._ ..............._ Ex. V = 5000, X = 10000, L = 50000
less than
1 - I 2 - II 3 - III 4 - IV 5 - V (10 - X, 50 - L, 100 - C, 500 - D, 1000 - M) and remember, you can't have 3 of the same character in a row, and, if you put the lesser before the greater (eg. CM - 900), you must deduct the lesser from the greater
There are 1,000 micrograms in a milligram. There 5 milligrams is 5000 micrograms. Therefore 740 micrograms is lesser than 5 milligrams.