3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.
Three times (15 ÷ 5 = 3)
An exponent means "this many times." So, 4 cubed (to the power of 3; a 3 exponent.) is 4 NOT times 3, but 3 TIMES. So it is 4x4x4(=64). Or, 5 to the power of 5 is 5 times itself 5 times, so, 5x5x5x5x5(=3,125). 3 to the power of 9 is 3 times itself 9 times. Basically, the exponent tells how many times you multiply the number by itself. Does that help?
63 - 3 = 60 = 5 x 12 12 times with 3 remaining
3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3.2 times.
~3.416 times or 3 times with a remainder of 5 or 3 and 5 twelfths times.
23 times (115 ÷ 5 = 23).
3 times, with the remainder of 3!
5 go into 19
Three times (15 ÷ 5 = 3)
Three (3.9524) times.
5 can go into 41 eight times and 3 can go into 41 thirteen times.
14 with remainder 3.
3 times, remainder 5