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As an expression it is: 5(p+r) which means 5p+5r

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Q: What is 5 times the sum of p and r?
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What is the algebraic expression for 5 times the sum of p and r?

the sum of p and r is p + r5 times this sum is 5 × (p + r) = 5(p + r)Multiplication is not written as it looks like an 'x' - it is implied by two things next to each other.The brackets are needed as the addition needs to be done before the multiplication.

What is 5 times the sum of 5 and r?

5(r+5) is.

Nda 1 maths answer key 2010?

IF (1+3+5+....+P) + (1+3+5+...+q)=(1+3+5+....+r) where each set of parentheses contain the sum of consecutive add integer as shown. what is the samellest possible value of (p+q+r) where p>6?

If a certain sum of money at SI doubles itself in 5 yrs then what is d rate?

it is fifth root of 2 = exp (log 2)/5) = 1.1487 = 14.87% The above applies to Compound Interest: At Simple Interest I = PTR/100. In this case I = P, T = 5 and R is unknown. 100 x I = I x 5 x R ie 100 = 5 x R so R = 20%

A sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs720 after 2 years and to Rs1020 after a further period of 5 years The sum is?

Given, Amount=A1 =Rs 720Time = 2 yrsLet P=Principaland R=Rate %Simple Interest after 2 yrs = A1- PNow,720-P=(P x R x 2)/ 100=(P x R x 2)/100 ................(I)Next, Amount = A2 = Rs 1020Time = 2 + 5 =7 yrs (i.e 2 + a further period of 5 yrs)R= Rate %( same as above)Simple Interest after 7yrs = A2- Pnow,1020-P =( P x R x 7)/100 ..................(II)Next,equation (I) divided by equation (II), we get7 (720-P) = 2(1020-P)solving it we get 5P=3000or, P = Rs. 600.Ans.if you want to get the value of R, substitute the value of P in either of the equation then you'll get it to be 10%.( This problem was solved by Shri. Junemon Paswet from Ladthadlaboh Jowai,West Jaintia Hills District. on the 23/0ct/2012 )

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What is the algebraic expression of 5 times the sum of p and r?

" 5(p+r) " is.

What is the algebraic expression for 5 times the sum of p and r?

the sum of p and r is p + r5 times this sum is 5 × (p + r) = 5(p + r)Multiplication is not written as it looks like an 'x' - it is implied by two things next to each other.The brackets are needed as the addition needs to be done before the multiplication.

What is 5 times the sum of 5 and r?

5(r+5) is.

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Nda 1 maths answer key 2010?

IF (1+3+5+....+P) + (1+3+5+...+q)=(1+3+5+....+r) where each set of parentheses contain the sum of consecutive add integer as shown. what is the samellest possible value of (p+q+r) where p>6?

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p = 50q/100 = 1/2 q r = 40q/100 = 2/5 q p = (1/2)/(2/5) = (1/2)(5/2) = 5/4 r or 1 1/4 r Thus, p is 125% of r.

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If a certain sum of money at SI doubles itself in 5 yrs then what is d rate?

it is fifth root of 2 = exp (log 2)/5) = 1.1487 = 14.87% The above applies to Compound Interest: At Simple Interest I = PTR/100. In this case I = P, T = 5 and R is unknown. 100 x I = I x 5 x R ie 100 = 5 x R so R = 20%