

What is 62 equals s plus 5?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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The answer is 57 , because the question is 62 = 1s +5 . I put a 1 in front of the s , because if there's a letter w/out a # in the front , there's an imaginary 1 in the front of that letter , & you minus 5 from positive 5, ( write that under the positive 5 ), then if you do something to one side , you do it to the other , so put minus 5 under 62 . , & you cross off positive 5 & negative 5 on the right side . & 62 - 5 = 57 . and bring down the equal sign , & 1s , & divide 1 from 1s , & 1 from 57 , & 57 divided by 1 is 57 . So the answer equals 57 . i Hope this helped you . (:

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