-- If rounding to the nearest 300, then 749 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 200, then 699 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 150, then 674 is. -- If rounding to the nearest hundred, then 649 is. -- If rounding to the nearest twenty, then 609 is. -- If rounding to the nearest ten, then 604 is.
It is rounded to 700.
To the nearest ten it is 80
To the nearest ten it is 570. To the nearest hundred it is 600.
To the nearest ten it is 830 and to the nearest hundred it is 800
Oh honey, 674 rounded off to the nearest ten is 670. Just drop those last two pesky digits like they're hot and you're good to go. Keep it simple, ain't nobody got time for that extra math drama.
674 129 811 rounds to700 000 000 to the nearest hundred million670 000 000 to the nearest ten million674 000 000 to the nearest million674 100 000 to the nearest hundred thousand674 130 000 to the nearest ten thousand and thousand674 129 800 to the nearest hundred674 129 810 to the nearest ten
-- If rounding to the nearest 300, then 749 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 200, then 699 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 150, then 674 is. -- If rounding to the nearest hundred, then 649 is. -- If rounding to the nearest twenty, then 609 is. -- If rounding to the nearest ten, then 604 is.
It is rounded to 700.
Six to the nearest ten is ten. Three to the nearest ten is zero.
what nearest ten of 12 v