Oh honey, 674 rounded off to the nearest ten is 670. Just drop those last two pesky digits like they're hot and you're good to go. Keep it simple, ain't nobody got time for that extra math drama.
280,000 rounded off to the nearest ten thousand is still 280,000 but if it is rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand it is 300,000
125 rounded off the nearest ten is 130.
425 456 rounded off to the nearest ten is 425 460.
nearest thousand....68,000 nearest Ten Thousand.....70,000
1.6569 is 0 (zero) rounded off the the nearest ten.
280,000 rounded off to the nearest ten thousand is still 280,000 but if it is rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand it is 300,000
98.2537 rounded off to the nearest tenth is rounded off the the nearest ten is 100.
-- If rounding to the nearest 300, then 749 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 200, then 699 is. -- If rounding to the nearest 150, then 674 is. -- If rounding to the nearest hundred, then 649 is. -- If rounding to the nearest twenty, then 609 is. -- If rounding to the nearest ten, then 604 is.
125 rounded off the nearest ten is 130.
1 rounded to the nearest ten is zero.
370 rounded to the nearest tens is 370.
It is 2940.