It is 849.
When rounding 849 to the nearest hundred, you look at the digit in the tens place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, you round down. Therefore, 849 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800.
It is: 850 and not 849
Well, darling, the highest number that can be rounded off to 800 is 849. When you round 849 to the nearest hundred, it becomes 800. So, there you have it - 849 is the lucky winner in this rounding game.
853 rounded to the nearest 100: 900. 10853 rounded to the nearest 100: 10900.
Well, honey, if you're rounding off 800, the greatest number it can be rounded off to is 1000. But let's be real, rounding off 800 to 1000 is like putting a fancy hat on a potato - it's still just 800 in disguise.