A percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100, so 87 % is 87 / 100 or in words , eighty seven one hundredths
One percent is .01Five hundredths is 0.05Multiply both and get 0.0005
It's 81 percent
One percent of six is 0.06 or six hundredths.
A percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100, so 87 % is 87 / 100 or in words , eighty seven one hundredths
Six hundredths percent OR six hundredths of one percent.
One percent is .01Five hundredths is 0.05Multiply both and get 0.0005
87 hundredths is 0.87 (7>0.87).
One and eighty-five hundredths percent.
It's 81 percent
Percent is "hundredths" or "one hundredths" as we use it. Your 0.021 is 21/1000 or 21 one thousandths. It is also 2.1/100 and that's 2.1 hundredths or 2.1 one hundredths, or 2.1 percent or 2.1 %. And it's already rounded off to the nearest 1/10th of a percent.
One percent of six is 0.06 or six hundredths.
87% of 1000 = 87/100 x 1000 = 870
To convert six hundredths to a percentage, you multiply it by 100. Therefore, 0.06 (six hundredths) as a percent is 6%.