

What is 8 - 8p 10 -3p?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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āˆ™ 11y ago

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8 - 8p 10 - 3p

Like terms: 8p - 3p = 5p

5p - 8 = 10

+ 8 +8


5p = 18

--- ----

5p 5p

Answer = 3.6

Nice job moron.

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āˆ™ 11y ago
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How can solve this 3pĀ²-8p+4?

To find the value of ( 3p^2 - 8p + 4 ), you simply substitute the value of ( p ) into the expression. If ( p ) is a specific number or variable, plug it into the equation. For example, if ( p = 2 ): [ 3p^2 - 8p + 4 = 3(2)^2 - 8(2) + 4 ] [ = 3 \cdot 4 - 16 + 4 ] [ = 12 - 16 + 4 ] [ = 0 ] Therefore, when ( p = 2 ), ( 3p^2 - 8p + 4 = 0 ). If ( p ) is a variable and not a specific number, the expression ( 3p^2 - 8p + 4 ) represents a quadratic polynomial that can be factored or evaluated depending on the context or requirements of the problem.

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==>-3p+7=5-8p+6 ==>5p+7=11 ==>5p=4 ==>p=4/5

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5p-14 = 8p +4 take the 14 to the other side and the 8p to the other side so 5p-8p = 4 +14 -3p = 18 p = -18/3

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Find out 3pĀ²-8p+4?

To solve the quadratic expression ( 3p^2 - 8p + 4 ), you can use different methods depending on what is required: **Factorization**: Check if the expression can be factored into simpler expressions. For ( 3p^2 - 8p + 4 ), you look for two numbers that multiply to ( 3 \cdot 4 = 12 ) (coefficient of ( p^2 ) times constant term) and add up to ( -8 ) (coefficient of ( p )). The factors of ( 3 \cdot 4 = 12 ) that add up to ( -8 ) are ( -6 ) and ( -2 ). So, you can factor it as: [ 3p^2 - 8p + 4 = (3p - 2)(p - 2) ] This is the factored form of the quadratic expression. *Quadratic Formula*: If factoring is not possible or preferred, you can use the quadratic formula ( p = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a} ), where ( a = 3 ), ( b = -8 ), and ( c = 4 ) (from ( 3p^2 - 8p + 4 = 0 )). Calculate as follows: [ p = \frac{-(-8) \pm \sqrt{(-8)^2 - 4 \cdot 3 \cdot 4}}{2 \cdot 3} ] [ p = \frac{8 \pm \sqrt{64 - 48}}{6} ] [ p = \frac{8 \pm \sqrt{16}}{6} ] [ p = \frac{8 \pm 4}{6} ] This gives two solutions: [ p_1 = \frac{8 + 4}{6} = \frac{12}{6} = 2 ] [ p_2 = \frac{8 - 4}{6} = \frac{4}{6} = \frac{2}{3} ] So, the solutions to ( 3p^2 - 8p + 4 = 0 ) are ( p = 2 ) and ( p = \frac{2}{3} ). *Completing the Square*: Another method involves completing the square, which transforms the quadratic into a perfect square trinomial. This method is less commonly used but can be applied if necessary. These methods provide different approaches to solving ( 3p^2 - 8p + 4 ), depending on whether you need to factorize it, find exact solutions, or explore the quadratic formula for roots.

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