The fraction -8/7 cannot be simplified.
Since both the numerator and denominator of the fraction can be divided by 3, 24/63 can be simplified to 8/21.
The simplified 15/24 is 5/8The GCD (greatest common divisor) of 15 and 24 is 3. Divide both the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) by 3 to get the simplified answer.
Yes, it can be simplified and the simplest form of 9 over 24 is 3 over 8.
There is no mixed fraction. 24 over 8 is 3.
Simplified.... 1/3
No because 9/24 can be simplified to 3/8
The fraction -8/7 cannot be simplified.
21 over 24 simplified is 7/8.
It is: 8/24 = 1/3 simplified
This can not be simplified any lower because 3 and 25 have no common multiples. (If it were 3 over 24 for example the 3 would become a 1 and the 24 would become an 8 or 1 over 8. Hope that helps.)
Since both the numerator and denominator of the fraction can be divided by 3, 24/63 can be simplified to 8/21.
The simplified 15/24 is 5/8The GCD (greatest common divisor) of 15 and 24 is 3. Divide both the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) by 3 to get the simplified answer.
Yes, it can be simplified and the simplest form of 9 over 24 is 3 over 8.
You don't simplify a whole number. You simplify a fraction like 8/24 which is 1/3 in its simplified form.
1/8 is a simplified fraction.