To convert 8% to decimal:
1. Remove the % sign.
2. Divide 8800 by 100.
= 0.08 in decimal
8 to 100 in a decimal fraction and percent = 8/100; 8% 8 to 100 = 8/100 in a decimal fraction 8/100 * 100% = 8% in percent
The decimal for 8% is .8 and the fraction of it is 4/5.
0.125 in decimal;12.5% in percent1/8:= 1 ÷ 8= 0.125 in decimal= 0.125 * 100%= 12.5% in percent
To covert from a decimal to percent, shift the decimal point two places to the right. The answer is 8 percent.
8%=8/100= 0.08
8 to 100 in a decimal fraction and percent = 8/100; 8% 8 to 100 = 8/100 in a decimal fraction 8/100 * 100% = 8% in percent
8 percent as a decimal is 0.08
8 percent = 8/100 = 0.08
A percent is simply a decimal number written as a number over 100. For example, .8 = eight tenths = 8/10 = 80/100 = 80 percent. Notice, to get from the original .8 to our answer in percent, we just moved the decimal two places to the right (.8 -> 8. -> 80.) So, to change a percent to a decimal, you just reverse the process, so you move the decimal two places to the left. 80 percent -> 8 -> .8 (as a decimal) or 65 percent -> 6.5 -> .65 (as a decimal)
The decimal for 8% is .8 and the fraction of it is 4/5.
8% = 0.08
0.125 in decimal;12.5% in percent1/8:= 1 ÷ 8= 0.125 in decimal= 0.125 * 100%= 12.5% in percent
8 percent = 0.08 in decimal and 8/100 or 2/25 in fraction
8% = 0.08