It is 983.
983 rounded to the nearest 100 (hundreds place) is 1,000.
Yes, 983 is a prime number.
983 is divisable by three but the resulting answer is not a whole number. 982/3 = 327.333 recurring or 327 and 1/3rd.
To the nearest ten it would be 980. To the nearest hundred it would be 1000. To the nearest thousand it would also be 1000.
978 983 3300
In Chicago 312-983-8500
1 and 983. 983 is prime.
The phone number of the Grangeville Centennial is: 208-983-0951.
983 ÷ 2 = 491.5
Multiply 983 by 100 to convert to percent: 983 × 100 = 98,300%