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Q: What is 92 degrees field of view?
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this term is often confused with angle of field and field of view. The angle of view is the (diagonal) angle subtended by the scene captured in the photograph. This establishes the disc of best definition required for the lens. The angle of field is the angle subtended at the lens rear nodal point by the diagonal of the format itself. In a rectilinear image this is the same as the angle of view, but not for anamorphic images such as those produced by fisheye lenses. 'Field of view' simply describes the area covered in a scene. For example, although the angle of view of a fisheye lens is 180 degrees, its angle of field may be as low as 90 degrees. The field of view may be described as 'horizon to horizon'. For a standard (prime) lens the angle of field is typically 50-55 degrees, the same as the angle of view, and the field of view is roughly the same as that of the eye in a normal viewing of a scene or a picture.

How many celsius is 92 degree?

92 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 33.3 degrees Celsius.

92 degrees Fahrenheit equals what in celsius?

92 degrees Fahrenheit = 33.3 degrees Celsius.

What is the 'field of view'?

The field of view is the extent of the observable world that is visible through a lens or optical instrument at any given moment. It is typically measured in degrees and describes the width of the visible scene. A wider field of view allows you to see more of the surrounding environment.

Which is hotter 92 degrees Fahrenheit or 92 degrees celsius?

92 degrees Celsius is hotter than 92 degrees Fahrenheit. This is because the Celsius scale has a higher boiling point than the Fahrenheit scale, with 100 degrees Celsius being the boiling point of water compared to 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do you calculate the field of view at 1000 yards with a 16x32mm binocular?

To calculate the field of view at 1000 yards with a 16x32mm binocular, you first need to determine the angular field of view (FOV) in degrees. You can do this by referring to the specifications provided by the manufacturer. Then, use trigonometry to convert the angular FOV to linear FOV at 1000 yards.

How many sides would an n-gon have with interior angles 92 degrees?

Any polygon can gave an interior angle of 92 degrees. However, no regular polygon can have interior angles of 92 degrees.

Is 59 Celsius cooler than 92 degrees Fahrenheit?

No, is Celsius is hotter than 92 degrees Fahrenheit

What is 92 degrees Celsius in Fahrenheit?

92 degrees Celsius is equal to 197.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the measure of the third angle of a triangle if one angle measures 92 degrees and the other measures 45 degrees?

The 3rd angle is: 180-92-45 = 43 degrees

What is 92 F in Celsius?

It is: 5/9*(92-32) = 33.33 degrees Celsius

Which is hotter 92 degrees Celsius or 92 degrees Fahrenheit?

Since Celsius degrees are larger than Fahrenheit degrees, above -40 degrees (where the scales coincide) any number in Celsius will be hotter than the corresponding number in Fahrenheit.