In word form: ninety-four and eight hundred twenty-five thousandths In expanded form: 90+4+.8+.02+.005 In standard form: 94.825
One half percent can be written in decimal as 0.005 or just .005
That would be .1+.03+.005+.0007
40,000,000 + 3,000,000 + 200,000 + 80,000 + 7000 + 5
It is 005 percent!
In word form: ninety-four and eight hundred twenty-five thousandths In expanded form: 90+4+.8+.02+.005 In standard form: 94.825
One half percent can be written in decimal as 0.005 or just .005
2 + .8 + .04 + .005
Written in word format, 32 005 008 is thirty two million five thousand, eight.
005 is thicker than 003
That would be .1+.03+.005+.0007
.005= .5%
005 = 5