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Q: What is A building where the outer surfaces are triangular and converge at a point?
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How do the surface materials of the inner and outer planets differ?

The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) have rocky surfaces composed of silicate minerals and metals. The outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) have gas surfaces, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. Additionally, outer planets may have icy surfaces due to the presence of water and other ices.

How do inner planets differ from the outer one?

They have rocky surfaces.

Which is not true in the inner planets?

The inner planets are closer to the Sun compared to the outer planets, have solid rocky surfaces, and are smaller in size compared to the outer planets.

Are gas giants a surface type?

Yes because the four outer planets,Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are gas planets. They are known for their gas. The outer planets (closer to the sun) have rocky surfaces. So the outer planets have gas surfaces

Why are the surfaces of the inner planets rocky and solid yet the surfaces of the outer planets are gasous with icy centers?

The inner planets are rocky and solid because they formed closer to the sun where it was too hot for volatile gases to condense. The outer planets formed in colder regions where volatile gases like hydrogen and helium could condense, leading to their gaseous composition and icy centers.

What figure has 2 triangular faces and 3 rectangular faces?

The figure that has 2 triangular faces and 3 rectangular faces is known as a triangular prism. It looks like a standard two-pole tent, or the outer packaging of a bar of Toblerone.The objecta triangular prism.

What is the main reason you could not land on the outer planets?

They don't have solid surfaces.

What are the outer planets like?

they are called gas giants they have no solid surfaces and are big

Could you land on the outer planets?

No. The outer planets do not have solid surfaces. Those planets are made of gases held together by gravity.

What kind of cells is also called an epithelial cell?

They cover the surfaces and the cavities of the body. Outer most layer of surfaces is an epithelial cell

What building can be seen from space?

The Great Wall of China is one of the few man-made structures that can be seen from space with the naked eye. Its long and winding structure spans thousands of miles across northern China.

What are found on the outer surfaces of stromatolites?

Microbial mats and sediment layers are typically found on the outer surfaces of stromatolites. These structures are formed by the trapping and binding of sediment particles by microbial communities, resulting in layered structures visible on the surface.