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Q: What is A set of ordered pairs obtained by exchanging the x-coordinates with the y-coordinates of each ordered pair of a relation or function?
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What does the word inverse mean in math terms?

Mathematically, an inverse is an opposite, it is something that reverses what its inverse does, for example, addition and subtraction are inverse functions, as are multiplication and division. The inverse of a fraction is obtained by exchanging numerator and denominator; the inverse of a half is two.

How can you write a function that represents all possible antiderivatives of a given function?

Given a function f(x) find any anti-derivative, F(x). The set of all possible derivatives is obtained by adding a term not involving x which can take any value. So F(x) + C is a general derivative, where C can take any value.

Is every on-to function a one-one function?

No. The function y = x2, where the domain is the real numbers and the codomain is the non-negative reals is onto, but it is not one to one. With the exception of x = 0, it is 2-to-1. Fact, they are completely independent of one another. A function from set X to set Y is onto (or surjective) if everything in Y can be obtained by applying the function by an element of X A function from set X to set Y is one-one (or injective) if no two elements of X are taken to the same element of Y when applied by the function. Notes: 1. A function that is both onto and one-one (injective and surjective) is called bijective. 2. An injective function can be made bijective by changing the set Y to be the image of X under the function. Using this process, any function can be made to be surjective. 3. If the inverse of a surjective function is also a function, then it is bijective.

How do you solve to find slope?

The answer depends on the nature of the function that defines the curve whose slope you want. If the function f(x) is differentiable, its slope is f'(x) = df(x)/dx and the value of the slope at a point when x = x0 is f'(x0), obtained by substituting x0 for x in f'(x).

What is the inverse function of y equals 8x plus 5?

The inverse function is obtained by interchanging corresponding values of x and y and then transposing the resulting equation to make y the subject. f(x) = y = 8x + 5 therefore f-1(x) = x = 8y + 5 : 8y = x - 5 : y = (x - 5)/8 The inverse function of y = 8x + 5 is y = (x - 5)/8

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What does the word inverse mean in math terms?

Mathematically, an inverse is an opposite, it is something that reverses what its inverse does, for example, addition and subtraction are inverse functions, as are multiplication and division. The inverse of a fraction is obtained by exchanging numerator and denominator; the inverse of a half is two.

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