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Q: What is A style that displays decimal numbers as a percentage?
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With the dollar sign to the left inserts a comma every three positions to the left of the decimal point and displays numbers to the nearest cent?

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Displays two digits to left of decimal point and places a comma?

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The default format style that Excel assigns to all cells in a workbook is the General format. This format displays numbers as they are entered and adjusts automatically based on the content of the cell.

How do you Turn a percentage into a decimal?

divide by 100="h2headingh2"style="color:rgb(0,0,0);"name="figure_it_out_yourself!!_stop_cheating._never_trust_the_internet!!!!_go_ask_your_math_teacher!!!!!_:(">25% = 0.25

The Percent style button on the Formatting toolbar is used to display a value determined by multiplying the cell entry by rounding the result to the nearest percent and adding a percent sign?

The Percent style button is used to convert a cell entry into a percentage format by multiplying the value by 100 and adding a percentage symbol. It essentially multiplies the value by 100 and displays it with a percentage sign.

What is the place value of 7 in 7.085.50?

It is not possible to tell when given a number with two decimal points! In the European style, where the decimal point is a decimal comma and the comma separator is a point, there should still be 3-digit groups of numbers.

What is the decimal of 94 percent?

94% 0.940.94Whenever you want to turn a percent into a decimal, you simply put it into a 0.00 style, and you put the tens digit into the second 0 and the ones digit into the third 0. This will get you the decimal version of your percentage. I hope you're in elementary school.

What chart style displays the relationship of parts to a whole?

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What are Some of the ways to format numbers is to use?

Under the Home tab in 2007/2010 Excel you have Number. Clicking on the lower right selector arrow under that shows the various ways: Number (decimal places and + and - numbers) Currency (Including symbols besides US currency, decimal places and + and - notation style) Accounting Date (various forms) Time (How you want it notated and 12 or 24 hour clock) Percentage Fraction Scientific Special and Custom

What effect does the comma style format have on the selected cells for Excel?

The comma style will format numbers with two decimal places and insert commas as thousand separators. So if you had a number like 3455679 in a cell and formatted it as comma style, it would come up as:3,455,679.00

Why did Democratic Republic and speak of the election of 1800 as a revolution?

It changed from the federalist style of expensive displays