

What is Cos 15?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is Cos 15?
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Like normal expansion of brackets, along with: cos(A + B) = cos A cos B - sin A sin B sin(A + B) = sin A cos B + cos A sin B 5(cos 20 + i sin 20) × 8(cos 15 + i sin 15) = 5×8 × (cos 20 + i sin 20)(cos 15 + i sin 15) = 40(cos 20 cos 15 + i sin 15 cos 20 + i cos 15 sin 20 + i² sin 20 sin 15) = 40(cos 20 cos 15 - sin 20 cos 15 + i(sin 15 cos 20 + cos 15 sin 20)) = 40(cos(20 +15) + i sin(15 + 20)) = 40(cos 35 + i sin 35)

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cos(195) = cos(180 + 15) = cos(180)*cos(15) - sin(180)*sin(15) = -1*cos(15) - 0*sim(15) = -cos(15) = -cos(60 - 45) = -[cos(60)*cos(45) + sin(60)*sin(45)] = -(1/2)*sqrt(2)/2 - sqrt(3)/2*sqrt(2)/2 = - 1/4*sqrt(2)*(1 + sqrt3) or -1/4*[sqrt(2) + sqrt(6)]

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Sin 15 + cos 105 = -1.9045

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It is: cos(15) = (sq rt of 6+sq rt of 2)/4

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cos(15 deg) = 0.9659, approx.

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There is some kind of formula here, half angle, or some such that I forget, but I do remember the algorithm. So...,int[cos(10X)cos(15X)] dxsince this is multiplicative, switch it aroundint[cos(15X)cos(10X)] dxint[cos(15X - 10X)/2(15 -10) + cos(15X + 10X)/2(15 + 10)] dxint[cos(5X)/10 + cos(25X)/50] dx= 1/10sin(5X) + 1/50sin(25X) + C=========================

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csc θ = 1/sin θ → sin θ = -1/4 cos² θ + sin² θ = 1 → cos θ = ± √(1 - sin² θ) = ± √(1 - ¼²) = ± √(1- 1/16) = ± √(15/16) = ± (√15)/4 In Quadrant III both cos and sin are negative → cos θ= -(√15)/4

What is the angle of the moon?

The rate at which the lit portion of the moon moves per hour changes with latitude. The formula for finding the average rate of rotation per hour is: 15°cos(latitude). At the equator the equation would be 15°cos(0°)= 15° per hour.

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Using the identity, sin(X)+sin(Y) = 2*sin[(x+y)/2]*cos[(x-y)/2] the expression becomes {2*sin[(23A-7A)/2]*cos[(23A+7A)/2]}/{2*sin[(2A+14A)/2]*cos[(2A-14A)/2]} = {2*sin(8A)*cos(15A)}/{2*sin(8A)*cos(-6A)} = cos(15A)/cos(-6A)} = cos(15A)/cos(6A)} since cos(-x) = cos(x) When A = pi/21, 15A = 15*pi/21 and 6A = 6*pi/21 = pi - 15pi/21 Therefore, cos(6A) = - cos(15A) and hence the expression = -1.

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