Based on your description, the HS code for your Spray Booth is 940600. HS code was provided by 3CEonline.
I would describe 76499 as a five digit number, possibly a zip code.
A quantitative description is a purley numerical description. A qualitative description is a purely narrative description.
HS code 0713.40 covers "Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split. / Lentils." The full description including the last two digits ("90") are determined by the destination country's tariff schedule.
The offense code CP0191 is not a standard code and may vary depending on the jurisdiction. You would need to consult the specific legal guidelines or authorities in the relevant area to determine the exact meaning of this offense code.
Yes. Fraud is a criminal offense. "By false representation" is only the description of how the offense was carried out.
pa code for 'fugitive from justice'
CPT code description for 99281
In California, a breach of the law can be defined as a felony, misdemeanor, and infraction. These three types of offense can be placed into Class A, Class B, or Class C.
CPT code description for 99281
fugitive hold
indented codes
stand alone codes
indented codes