

What is quantitative description?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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14y ago

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A quantitative description is a purley numerical description. A qualitative description is a purely narrative description.

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Q: What is quantitative description?
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yeah like

What is quantitative in chemistry?

Quantitative is a description with a numerical measurement. For example: There is 12 mL of the solution. <-- You are describing how much of the solution there is with a numerical, measurable description. On the other hand, qualitative is a description of the features that is not measureable. For example: The solution is blue. <-- You are describing a feature of the solution.

What does quantitative observation mean?

Quantitative observation means that your description of what you observedincludes a definite number that you measured.For example:"I saw a really big guy." is not a quantitative observation."I saw a guy who is 8 feet tall." is a quantitative observation.

What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative?

Quantitative means measurable and/or a reference to a specific amount.Examples of quantitative data:3kg1l9lbsQualitative means data that are more easily (or only) expressed by description and not measurementsExamples of qualitative:"My ball is red.""That sword is sharp."

Observations that deal with description that can not be expressed in numbers are called?

Qualitative (quantitative are observations that can be expressed numerically)

Is 45 percent efficient a qualitative assessment or quantitative assessment?

A quantitative assessment involves numbers. This says 45% so it is quantitative. Qualitative would involve a description: fairly efficient, very efficient or more efficient than before.

Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative Explain how both types of information are important to biological studies?

Quantitative data may be used to make a graph or table. Qualitative is easier to explain with numbers or a written description.

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative data in statistics?

Quantitative data is data that is relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something, rather than its quality. ex: the number of people in a townQualitative data is data that can be captured that is not numerical in nature ex: the color of people's skin.Thus, essentially the distinction is that quantitative data deals with numbers and numerical values of what is being tested, where as qualitative data deals with the quality of what is being tested.Qualitative data's description cannot be describe in numbers. Quantitative data's description ca only be described in numbers.

Difference between qualitative and quantitative?

Qualitative and quantitative data are both 2 important types of data. Qualitative data is data based on observation and description. An easy way to remember this, Qualitative ---> QUALity. Examples of qualitative data are when you record colors, smells, textures, etc... Quantitative data is based on numerical values. An easy way to remember this, Quantitative ---> QUANTity. An example of quantitative data are any type of numerical values.