The link has a picture of the flow chart. Too hard to put it in a readable format on
i need a pic of cuson
Get number Find modulo 2 of number If the result is zero, number is even Else number is odd
Factorials are the product of 1 and all the integers up to the given number. Simply put, 5 factorial or 5! = 5*4*3*2*1
To calculate the number of zeros in a factorial number, we need to determine the number of factors of 5 in the factorial. In this case, we are looking at 10 to the power of 10 factorial. The number of factors of 5 in 10! is 2 (from 5 and 10). Therefore, the number of zeros in 10 to the power of 10 factorial would be 2.
If you have N things and want to find the number of combinations of R things at a time then the formula is [(Factorial N)] / [(Factorial R) x (Factorial {N-R})]
flow chart to find whther the given number is perfect or not
Take the total number of letters factorial, then divide by the multiple letters factorial (a and e). 7! / (2!*2!) or 1260.
creat a flowchart that will compute for the area and perimeter of a square?
A big number. =)
You first look at the number that is before the !(factorial sign). Then you times all positive integers (which means it doesn't include 0), including the number itself. The answer is the factorial of the original number beside the ! sign. EX.:4!=1x2x3x4=24
That's not the factorial of any number. For a start, the factorial of any number greater than or equal to 2 is even, because of the factor 2. The factorial of any number greater or equal to five ends with 0. Another answer: I suspect the questioner meant to ask how to write 8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 as a factorial. If so, then the answer is "8!"
since factorial is for example , the factorial of 5 = 5 (5-1)(5-2)(5-3)(5-4) that means the last number to subtract from 5 is 4 , which is (n-1) ie the factorial of any number is (n-0)(.............)(n-(n-1)) to write this , 5 REM to calculate the factorial of any number 6 DIM fac AS INTEGER LET fac = 1 10 INPUT "enter the number to find its factorial "; a ' variable a 15 FOR b = 0 TO (a-1) 'numbers that will be subtracted from the " a" 20 c= a -b 'each number in the factorial calculation 25 fac = fac * c 'to compute each multiplication in the factorial 30 NEXT b 35 PRINT 'to leave a line 40 PRINT fac 45 END note this due to some unattained raesons works for numbers 0 to 7