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Q: What is Gnomon and what role is it in calculating time?
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Why does a gnomon on a sundial have to be 45 degrees?

It doesn't. The gnomon is supposed to match the latitude of the location where the sundial is placed. If the latitude is 30 degrees and the gnomon is 45 the entire sundial will have to be tilted to keep correct time. Another way to describe this is to say that the gnomon should be parallel to the Earth's axis.

What is the section of a sundial that shows the time by its shadow called?


On what does a gnomon cast a shadow?

A gnomon is the upright piece of a sundial, and it is the part that casts its shadow down onto the dial to indicate local solar time.

What is that thing on a shadow clock?

The thing on a shadow clock is a gnomon, which is the part of the sundial that casts the shadow. The shadow of the gnomon moves throughout the day, indicating the time.

What is the stationery arm of sundial called?

The stationery arm of a sundial is called the "gnomon." It is the part that casts a shadow onto the dial face to indicate the time.

What is pin of a sundial called?

The pin of a sundial is called a gnomon. It is the part of the sundial that casts a shadow onto the dial face to indicate the time.

The shadow of a sundial is called?

The shadow of a sundial is called a gnomon. The gnomon is the part of the sundial that casts the shadow onto the dial, indicating the time.

What is the projecting piece of a sundial called which shows the time by its shadow?

The projecting piece of a sundial that shows the time by its shadow is called a gnomon. It is usually a thin rod or triangular blade that extends from the dial plate. The position of the gnomon's shadow on the dial indicates the time.

What is the pin of a sundial whose shadow points to the hour called?

The pin of a sundial where the shadow falls is called the gnomon. It is typically a thin, straight rod that extends vertically from the sundial's base. The shadow cast by the gnomon is used to indicate the time of day on the sundial's face.

What is the projecting piece of the sundial called which shows the time by its shadow?

The projecting piece of the sundial that shows the time by its shadow is called a gnomon. It is typically a thin rod or plate that extends from the dial's face and casts a shadow onto the dial's surface to indicate the time.

Who invented the gnomon?

The ancient Greeks are credited with inventing the gnomon as a shadow-casting device to measure time and determine the position of the sun. Thales of Miletus, a Greek mathematician and philosopher, is often mentioned as one of the early users of the gnomon.