You can if the last digit of the hundredth is zero.
If a number is written without a decimal it is usually assumed to be after the last digit.
pi is a transcendental number and has an infinite decimal representation. Being infinite, there is no last decimal place. Moreover, unlike 1.3 which goes into an infinitely long repeating pattern, pi does not. So there is no answer to the question.
Pi is an irrational number, meaning it has an infinite number of decimal places that do not repeat. Therefore, there is no "last digit" of pi. However, for practical purposes, the last digit commonly used is 3, as it is the third decimal place in the number 3.14159.
The decimal for 5/8 = 0.625. I regret that I do not understand the last part of the question.
You can if the last digit of the hundredth is zero.
If a number is written without a decimal it is usually assumed to be after the last digit.
It means repeat that decimal forever with it's last digit.
To multiply decimal numbers, the decimal point is ignored and the multiplication is done as though they were (large) integers. The last step is to put the decimal point into the answer by ensuring the same number of digits follow it as were following the decimal points in the numbers multiplied together; trailing zeros can be removed at this point.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 219/100 is equal to 2.19.
pi is a transcendental number and has an infinite decimal representation. Being infinite, there is no last decimal place. Moreover, unlike 1.3 which goes into an infinitely long repeating pattern, pi does not. So there is no answer to the question.
The address of the last byte in a 512 mega byte memory, expressed as a decimal number, is 536,870,911.
Press MATH and select >Frac. Then press ENTER. This will change your last answer to a fraction. If the decimal is not you last answer, type the decimal and then follow the steps above.
0.0095 to three decimal places is 0.009. When rounding a number to three decimal places, you look at the fourth decimal place. If it is 5 or greater, you round up the last digit in the third decimal place. In this case, the fourth decimal place is 5, so we round up the last digit in the third decimal place from 9 to 10, which then carries over, making it 0.01.
Pi is an irrational number, meaning it has an infinite number of decimal places that do not repeat. Therefore, there is no "last digit" of pi. However, for practical purposes, the last digit commonly used is 3, as it is the third decimal place in the number 3.14159.
To write 2025000 in decimal form, you simply place a decimal point after the last digit from the right. So, 2025000 in decimal form is 2,025,000.
The last one.