To write 2025000 in decimal form, you simply place a decimal point after the last digit from the right. So, 2025000 in decimal form is 2,025,000.
160 is a decimal. You can write 160.0 if you want to.
you can write one thousandth as a decimal as 0.010.001
To write 159 as a decimal, you simply write 159.0. This is because the decimal point is already at the end of the number, indicating that there are no decimal fractions. Another way to represent 159 as a decimal is 159.000, which emphasizes that there are no decimal fractions.
12.5 is a decimal.
12.32 is a decimal
how do you write a this as decimal 9265
you divide the numerator by the denominator on you will get a decimal and you write it 00.00 that is a decimal
You first write the integer part, then write the decimal point and then the fractional part in decimal form.
To write 9.75 as a decimal, you simply write the whole number part followed by a decimal point and then the decimal part. Therefore, 9.75 can be written as 9.75 in decimal form.
160 is a decimal. You can write 160.0 if you want to.
How do you write the equivalent decimal to 0.4
To write nine tenths as a decimal, it looks like this: .9
That is a decimal.
This is a decimal
It is in decimal
To write 23.5 as a decimal, you can simply write it as 23.5. In decimal form, the whole number part remains the same, and the decimal part is written as it is. So, 23.5 written as a decimal is 23.5.