

Best Answer

Haha all math is the same. Math is simply the study of numbers and their relationships and properties. It does not change within cultures...

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Q: What is Latin math?
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Why did mathematicians use Latin in the 19th century?

In general, Latin was the language used in science, not just in math. At least, to give names to things, Latin (as well as Greek) was often used.In general, Latin was the language used in science, not just in math. At least, to give names to things, Latin (as well as Greek) was often used.In general, Latin was the language used in science, not just in math. At least, to give names to things, Latin (as well as Greek) was often used.In general, Latin was the language used in science, not just in math. At least, to give names to things, Latin (as well as Greek) was often used.

How much is poly in math terms?

Poly is Latin for many.

What math can you figure out which Latin words mean many?

multiply, multiplication, multiple

Where is the word Mathis from?

I am very sure "Mathis" is a Latin root word of "Math"

What fields of study use latin?

Math, Biology, Chemistry, Law

What math terms can help you figure out which Latin words mean many and one?


What math term can you figure out which Latin word means many?

multiply, multiplication, multiple

Which clubs did Brian belong to in the Breakfast Club?

The math club, the Latin club, and the physics club.

Latin 101 word with 4 letters?

amaterat as is quod erat demonstrandum which we use in math

What math term means one in latin?

The term unit is derived from the Latin word unus, meaning one. Source is from my Dictionary (the actual book, not the Internet).

What math terms can help figure out which words mean many and one in Latin?

breh I sadly don't. Know either and its for a quiz and we never learned about Latin and stuff and we are only in 4th grade so how do they think we know Latin?