That dimension will change with the size of the window and the header height.
12 inches
It entirely depends on the size of the window. To measure the size of the window and the length of the curtain you need, visit
Are you asking about a wheel stud or exhaust stud, please clarify
That dimension will change with the size of the window and the header height.
with a measuring tape
Short studs placed between the header and a top plate or between a sill and bottom plate. A short stud used above or below a wall opening. Extends from the header to the top plate or from bottom plate to rough sill.
How do you remove the manual window cranThere should be an Allen type set-screw in the base of the handle. It will be recessed, and you'll have to turn the crank to access it more easily. Remove the setscrew, and the handle slips off of the stud. If the window is down, and it begins to rain, you can roll the window up by holding it onto the stud, and turning, or you can use a small pair of vise grips. Just try not to damage the teeth on the stud.
8mm or 5/16"
By convention the longer side is called the length, but it doesn't have to be. Consider a rectangular window: If you were to buy a blind for a window, the length of the blind would correspond to the drop from top to bottom of the window, and the width of the blind would correspond to the distance from side to side. If the window was a short, wide window the width of the blind would be longer than its length!
stud has all its length threaded and it is used with two nuts, but the bolt has one end closed and the other end is threaded ,it is used with a single nut.
A Jack rafter is a rafter that has the pitch of the roof cut onto one end with a 54 degree angle this sort of rafter is one of several that fit onto a hip ridge. To cripple a piece of timber means to cut it partway through in order to straighten it if this is done to a wall timber it will need to be splinted to restore the strength of the stud
Cripple Bastards was created in 1988.
Hooky the Cripple was created in 2002.