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That dimension will change with the size of the window and the header height.

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Q: How much Length of window jack stud?
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Related questions

What is Length of window cripple stud?

The length of a window cripple stud typically ranges from 12 to 24 inches. However, the exact length may vary depending on the specific design and size of the window, as well as the construction standards in a particular region.

How do you calculate the length of a stud?

with a measuring tape

What are the types of jack?

There's blackjack, a roofing adhesive. Also--ladder jack, jack stud, jack hammer, hydraulic jack, jack rafter, jack post, Jack Bower, etc.

How to measure a rough opening for a window accurately?

To measure a rough opening for a window accurately, start by measuring the width from stud to stud at the top, middle, and bottom of the opening. Then, measure the height from the bottom of the sill to the top plate. Use the smallest measurements to ensure a proper fit for the window.

What is a Jack stud?

A post in which it holds the jacks against / within the wall framing

How do you remove the manual window crank on a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire?

How do you remove the manual window cranThere should be an Allen type set-screw in the base of the handle. It will be recessed, and you'll have to turn the crank to access it more easily. Remove the setscrew, and the handle slips off of the stud. If the window is down, and it begins to rain, you can roll the window up by holding it onto the stud, and turning, or you can use a small pair of vise grips. Just try not to damage the teeth on the stud.

How do you replace a broken wheel stud in front wheel?

Jack the car up and remove the front wheel. Use a jack stand for safety. Rotate the axle until the stud is over the hole in the backer plate. Hit the stud with a hammer, this will take many blows. The stud will pop out. Slide the new stud in, then stack several washers on the shaft and put a lug nut on. Tighten the nut to pull the stud up tight into place. Reinstall the wheel, and over the next few days, keep checking the tightness of the stud to keep it snugged up.

How much is a Roblox stud?

Oh, I found an answer on a forum: 1 stud = 1 foot

What length labret stud would you need to use as an earring?

8mm or 5/16"

What is the length of a pre-cut stud for a 8' wall height?


What is difference between Stud and stud bolt?

stud has all its length threaded and it is used with two nuts, but the bolt has one end closed and the other end is threaded ,it is used with a single nut.

How much is a purple LEGO stud worth?

In the Lego video games, a purple stud is worth 10,000.