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Q: What is Pi out 7 decimal places?
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What is pi rounded to 7 decimal places?

It is: 3.1415927 is the value of pi when rounded to 7 decimal place

Is pii equaled to 3.14?

Not exactly. To 2 decimal places, pi is 3.14 To 7 decimal places, pi is 3.1415927 To 9 decimal places, pi is 3.141592654 pi does not terminate - it can be expressed to as many decimal places as required. 3.14 is often used as an approximation when doing calculations as it's easier to work with (than 3.141592653... ).

What is the value of pi in decimal places?

Pi has an infinite number of decimal places

What is pi to five decimal places?

Pi to five decimal places is 3.14159.

What is the circumference if the diamiter is 7 ft?

circumference = pi*7 = 21.991 feet to 3 decimal places

What is the value of pi to 20 decimal places?

Pi is approximately equal to (to 20 places after the decimal) 3.14159265358979323846.

What is decimal for pi?

Pi is an irrational number and it is 3.14 to two decimal places

How did mathematicians find pi?

By dividing the diameter of a circle into its circumference which is about 22/7 but the true value of pi is not known as a decimal because its decimal places can go on to infinity.

What is the value of pi to the nearest 5 decimal places?

the value of pi to the nearest 5 decimal places is 3.14159

Is 22 over7the same as pi?

No, but it's a relatively close approximation. 22/7 rounded to six decimal places is 3.142857, whereas pi is 3.141593. ---- 22/7 is only correct to 2 decimal places. A better approximation is 355/113 which is correct to 6 decimal places. 355/113 = 3.141592920353... π = 3.141592653589793... If you need to do accurate calculations involving pi you should use the π (pi) key on a calculator.

What is the accepted value of pi taken out to three decimal places?

pi = 3.142 rounded to three decimal places (the thousandths)

What is pi to value of 2 decimal points?

It is: pi = 3.14 in two decimal places