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Q: What is Piston movement from top to bottom of the cylinder called?
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What is the distance a piston travels called?

The distance a piston travels within the cylinder is called the stroke. It is the distance between the top dead center (TDC) and the bottom dead center (BDC) positions of the piston.

How does a pneumatic cylinder act with water in the air?

Air cylinder or air rams consists of a tube with a sealed base, a piston attached to a rod and a gland to seal the tube and rod where the rod exits the barrel. This assembly is called the cylinder or ram. The ram is ported in the top and bottom to allow pressurized air to enter and exit the cylinder. This moves the piston which is attached to the rod and created the movement. Cylinders are usually stationary at one end and the rod is attached to a moving part. This is called a double-acting cylinder because pressurized air can be let into both sides of the cylinder to create movement. A single-acting cylinder relies on gravity to extend or retract it as it is only ported on either the top or bottom side of the cylinder.

Why engine cease?

engines cease because, it is our misconception that the cylinder of the engine is cylindrical,in actual the cylinder walls are slightly slanting. and th diameter of the piston is a bit less than that of the cylinderwalls,which is known as clearance,,which is formulated for the smooth running of piston,,but when the temperature inside the cylinder increases above a certain level,the walls of the cylinder and the piston expands.but the expansion ratio is different for both,,as the cylinder is made of cast iron and piston with aluminium,which decreases the gap to certain level that there is no movement of piston,which is called as ceasinf of engine.

What can you replace a piston with that is not a different piston but an object that is not a piston?

The general term for piston is cylinder, and a cylinder might be made to work in this application. But a cylinder used in this manner, that is, a cylindrical shape connected in a machine that is used in the same way will almost certainly be called a piston by most investigators.

When water is in a cylinder what is the bottom called?

a bottom is always a base.

What bottom of the liquid line in a cylinder is called?

its called a meniscus

What tool is used to removed a piston?

the tool you are looking for is called a piston remover, sold at every local auto zone As the rings in the piston wear on the wall of the cylinder, a ridge forms at the top of the cylinder. This has to be removed with a Ridge Reamer. It cuts the ridge down until the cylinder is smooth otherwise the rings in the piston would catch on it and the piston cannot be removed. Once the cylinder is smooth, you can tap the piston out using the handle of a wooden handled hammer. To install the piston back in, you use a Ring Compressor that squeezes the rings into the grooves of the piston. Put lengths of plastic tubing over the Rod Bolts so that you don't nick the crankshaft and tap the piston into the cylinder with the same wooden hammer handle.

What is piston rod?

The piston rod is more usually called the con rod or connecting rod. It is connected at the top end to the piston with what is called a wrist pin. (The wrist pin is a cylinder of steel that slides through the side of the piston and through the top hole in the connecting rod.) At the bottom end the connecting rod mates up to the crankshaft. There is what is called a rod cap that goes on the bottom of the connecting rod to hold that rod onto the journal of the crankshaft. The connecting rod's purpose is to transfer downward and upward thrust between the piston and crank. The combustion of fuel drives the piston down to the crankshaft were it is converted to rotary force which drives your wheels. The wrist pin, is called a piston pin or gudgeon pin in the UK. The hole in the con-rod is commonly called the small or little end, and the other end where the cap holds it to the crankshaft is the big end.

In an internal combustion engine each up or down movement by a piston is called what?

A stroke.

What is a glass cylinder that has no top or bottom called?


How do gas engines work?

I will explain on a 1 cylinder engine. This makes it easier to under stand. Inside the cylinder is a piston that moves up and down tight to the side walls of the cylinder. Connected to the bottom of the piston is a rod. The rod connects to a shaft called a crankshaft at the bottom of the engine. The crankshaft is connected to the transmission. When the piston is moved downward it turns the crankshaft, also fuel is either pulled in through a carbuerator (cars pre-1986) or pumped in through electronic fuel injection system (callel EFI) above the piston. The crankshaft is still turning and momentum pushes thepiston back up. The fuel and air above the piston are compressed (at least 120psi for gasoline, 500psi for diesel I will explain later.) In a gasoline engine the compressed mixture is ignited by a spark plug located at the top of the cylinder, forcing the piston down and continuing the cycle. In a diesel engine the diesel/air mix is compressed more to create heat. The heat becomes so intense that it ignites and forces the piston downward.

What is the up and down movement of a piston called?

The up and down movement of a piston is called reciprocating motion. This motion is essential in internal combustion engines where the reciprocating motion of the pistons converts the pressure created by burning fuel into rotational motion to drive the vehicle.