Symbols for two chemical elements. It is certainly not a stable compound of the two.
10,000 square metres = 1 hectare<br><br><br>
You could do this using Javascript.1) create a textfield2) create a submit button3) define two Javascript variables: a running tally, and a click-counter4) give the button an onclick event that calls a function that works like this:read the value from the text fieldconvert it to a numeric valueif that value is 0 {if the counter != 0 {display the tally and the average (which equals tally over counter)}else{either display an error message, or 0 as both the tally and average - to your taste.}reset both the tally and the counter to 0}else{add the value to the tallyincrement the counter by 1}And here's a working example of how to do it:span.buttonClass{background-color: #C8C8C8;padding: 4px;border-width: 2px;border-style: outset;font-weight: bold;}The Summinator!var tally = 0, counter = 0;function addValue(){var textfield = document.getElementById("addVal");var avgfield = document.getElementById("avgfield");var sumfield = document.getElementById("sumfield");var num = parseFloat(textfield.value);var sum, avg;textfield.value = '';if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sumfield.textContent = "";avgfield.textContent = "";}else{if(counter == 0){sum = avg = 0;}else{sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;tally = counter = 0;}}}Add ValueYou can even make it a little nicer by having it output the sum and average each time a number is entered, rather than waiting for the zero input (which would still reset things). That actually simplifies the code too, and would look like this:...if(isNaN(num)){ // make sure they entered a numberalert("Please enter a numeric value.");}else{if(num != 0){tally += num;counter ++;sum = tally;avg = tally / counter;}else{sum = avg = tally = counter = 0;}sumfield.innerHTML = "The sum is " + sum;avgfield.innerHTML = "The average is " + avg;}...
the number zero is first used by Indians only not by any one else<br /><br /><br /><br /> The number zero was actually invented by the <i><b>Ancient Egyptians
Br means Mist... in spanish i guess Br comes from Bruma, a kind of Mist. Fg is Fog, Fu is Smoke (from "fumarola" in spanish as well)
yes, across the Br-C-Br/H-C-H planes.
No, Si-Br is not an ionic bond. It is a covalent bond because both silicon (Si) and bromine (Br) are nonmetals that tend to share electrons to achieve stability. Ionic bonds form between a metal and a nonmetal where one atom transfers an electron to the other.
Bar trade
The outermost subshell for bromine is the 4p subshell. Bromine (Br) has a configuration of [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p5, with 4p being the outermost subshell.
Fluorine has the most electronegative element, Cl and Br
brick brim broth brat brake brawl.............. oh and br br br br br
Br-101 br-116 br-163 br-158 br-153 br-280 br-282
You do this; <br> You do this; <br> You do this; <br>
table tr td div font {display: none;}table td div {visibility:hidden;}table table td div {visibility:visible;}tr {background:transparent;}table tr td div div {visibility:hidden;display:none;border:0px!important;background-color:transparent;}
<br /><br />this is amazing<br /><br />
The chemical formula for silicon is Si, while the chemical formula for bromine is Br₂.
The smallest radius from I Br Br I would be the bromine atom since it is closer to the central iodine atom compared to the outer iodine atom.