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Q: What is The notes and rests between two bar-lines?
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Give the equivalent or values of notes and rest?

The time values of notes and notes and corresponding rests are the same. Both the quarter note and the quarter rest worth one beat each. Two quarter rests (as well as two quarter notes) are equivalent to a half rest (half note) in duration.

What is the space between two barlines in music called?

A measure is the space between 2 bar lines in music.

How many eighth rest equal a quarter rest?

There are two 8th notes in a quarter note. There are two quarter notes in a half note and two half notes in a whole note.

Musical notes and their values from different timesignature?

Notes and rests always carry the same value no matter what the time signature. A quarter note or rest is always held for one beat, but depending on how you're counting the time, it may be more than one count (ex. if your beat is in eighth notes, a quarter note is gonna be two counts- "one and, two and, three and..." but if your beat is in quarter notes, it's just gonna be one count- "one, two, three...")

The drawing of the pyramid of notes and rests?

whole note two half notes four quarter notes eight single eight notes sixteenth notes whole rest half rest quarter rest and so on

What is a slide between two notes called?

I am in band so I know that a slide between two notes is called a tie when they are the same note and a slur if it is two different notes.

What does the musical term step mean?

A step is the distance between two notes. A half step is the shortest (tonal) distance between two notes (such as between B and C), and a whole step is therefore a distance of two half steps between two notes (such as between C and D, since C#/Db is between them).

What is the difference in pitch between two notes called?

The difference in pitch between two notes is called an interval. It is measured in terms of distance between the two notes, typically described in terms of steps on a musical scale such as semitones or whole tones.

What is the symbol for a quarter rest in music?

It looks like a backward 3 with a diagonal line on the top pointing left.

What does a squiggly line in between 2 notes mean in music?

It means to play all the notes between the two listed in the given time.

What is the tone that is sounded about midway between two notes in the diatonic scale?

Those are sharp and/or flat notes. These are the black notes on the piano keyboard.

How many notes in an octave are there?

Two each have 6 keys in between them