it is x to the sixth power
Inches cubed x 16.387 = cm cubed
2.5 x 3 cubed = 2.5 x 27 = 67.5
96 cubed is 96 x 96 x 96, or 884736.
100 x 100 x 100 = 1,000,000 cm cubed
X cubed - X cubed is zero.
X 2 cubed
x to the power of 6.
When you multiply x cubed by x cubed, you add the exponents because you are multiplying like bases. x cubed times x cubed equals x to the power of 3+3, which simplifies to x to the power of 6. So, x cubed times x cubed is equal to x to the power of 6.
x times x times x equals x cubed
it is x to the sixth power
A cubed number has been multiplied by itself 3 times, so x cubed is x times x times x.
2 x 2 x 2 = 2 cubed
Inches cubed x 16.387 = cm cubed
1 cm cubed = 1 cm X 1 cm X 1 cm 1 cm = .01 m, so 1 cm cubed = .01 m X .01 m X .01 m Therefore, 1 cm cubed = .000001 m cubed, and 243 cm cubed = 243 X .000001 = .000243 m cubed. In summary, multiply cm cubed by .000001 to get m cubed.
2.5 x 3 cubed = 2.5 x 27 = 67.5
121 cubed = 121 x 121 x 121 = 1,771,561