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9990 is one such number.

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Q: What is a 4 digit number that is divisible by both 5 and 9?
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What 4-digit number is divisible by 4 and 5 but not 4?

There is no number that is "divisible by 4" and "not divisible by 4" at the same time - a number cannot be both a multiple of 4 and not a multiple of 4.

What 4 digit number that is divisible by both 3 and 8?


What 4-digit number is divisible by both 3 and 4?

3000 is one possibility

What is the rule for a number that is divisible by 4?

If the last two digits are divisible by 4 then the number is divisible by 4. Thus, if the tens digit is even and the units digit is 0 or 4 or 8 OR if the tens digit is odd and the units digit is 2 or 6 then the number is divisible by 4.

4-digit number divisible by 5 and 10?

Any number whose last digit is 0 would be divisible by both these numbers. 1000, 1010, 1020...

What is a 4 digit number that is divisible by 2356 and 10 but not by 9?

There is no 4-digit number that is divisible by 2356 and 10.

What is the smallest 4-digit number divisible by 2?

smallest 4-digit number divisible by 2 = 1000

What is the greatest digit number that is divisible by 4?

There is no limit to the number of digits.If, for example, a X is a k-digit number which is divisible by 4 then 10*X is divisible by 4 and 10*X will be a (k+1)-digit number.

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What is the smallest 2 digit number that is divisible by 4?

12 is the smallest 2 digit number divisible evenly by 4

What is the greatest 4-digit number that is divisible by 0 1 2 and 3?

There is no 4-digit number that is divisible by zero.

Is 144 divisible by 2 3 4 5 6 9 or 10?

144 is divisible by 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and not divisible by 5 or 10.Divisible by 2The whole number is divisible by 2 if the number is even which is shown by the last digit being divisible by 2. The last digit of 144 is 4 and 4 is divisible by 2, thus 144 is divisible by 2.Divisible by 3The number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is also divisible by 3. Sum of the digits of 144 is 1+4+4 = 9 which is divisible by 3, thus 144 is divisible by 3Divisible by 4The number is divisible by 4 is the last two digits is also divisible by 4. Last two digits of 144 are 44 which are divisible by 4, thus 144 is divisible by 4An alternative test: If the last digit plus twice the preceding digit is divisible by 4 then the whole number is divisible by 4.For 144, last digit + twice preceding digit is 4+2x4 = 12 which is divisible by 4, so 144 is divisible by 4Divisible by 5If the last digit is 0 or 5 then the number is divisible by 5 Last digit of 144 is 4 which is neither 0 nor 5, thus 144 is not divisible by 5Divisible by 6To be divisible by 6, the number must be divisible by both of 2 and 3. 144 is divisible by both 2 and 3 (see above), thus 144 is divisible by 6Divisible by 9If the sum of the digits of the number is divisible by 9, then the original number is divisible by 9. For 144, 1+4+4 = 9 which is divisible by 9, thus 144 is divisible by 9Divisible by 10To be divisible by 10, the last digit must be 0. The last digit of 144 is 4 which is not 0, thus 144 is not divisible by 10