Noon is one.
The number '4' can be considered a palindrome because it is read the same whether forward or backward. It can become another palindrome when it is considered as 2x2.
List:BajuDojoFujiGajoSojaSijoThere we are. They sound weird but they are English 4 letter words with 3rd letter 'j'.
Noon is one.
a palindrome can be greater than just four alphabets for eg. 'racecar'.
not 4 letters but 5 as STATS
poop (deck)
Gag and Deed
Any number that is is a palindrome will always be a palindrome.
The number '4' can be considered a palindrome because it is read the same whether forward or backward. It can become another palindrome when it is considered as 2x2.
List:BajuDojoFujiGajoSojaSijoThere we are. They sound weird but they are English 4 letter words with 3rd letter 'j'.