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Q: What is a P R?
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What has the author P R R written?

P. R. R. has written: 'The swastika'

What is swung rhythm in music?

Because I can play drums I'll talk about the difference between jazz drumming and rock drumming. Swing is jazz drumming. First, rock: Basic rock is eighth notes, and as follows (p means strike the instrument, r means rest): Hi-hat: p p p p p p p p Kick drum: p r r r p r r r Snare drum: r r p r r r p r Good old "Rock Pattern Number One." The most reliable pattern in rock 'n' roll. Count off 1-an-2-an-3-an-4-an and play the cymbal on every note. Jazz pattern 1 is the same basic thing, but you're not playing straight eighths - two notes per beat - on your cymbal, you're playing triplets - three notes per beat. And where it gets tricky: you rest on the middle note in the triplet. So it looks like: Ride: p r p p r p p r p p r p Kick: p r r r r r p r r r r r Snare: r r r p r r r r r p r r Because we're talking jazz and jazz has no rules, you can vary this quite a bit - a lot of cats like to move that second hit in the beat around some, play the second note in the beat as a short one-handed roll on occasion, or anything else that works with the song.

How do you spell p and r in french?

p et r

How do you add similar proper fraction?

Two fractions are similar if they have the same denominator.So if p/r and q/r are two such fractions, then p/r + q/r = (p+q)/r.

What is p x 5 x r?

5pr.The specific answer depends on the values of the variables p & r.

When did R. P. Blackmur die?

R. P. Blackmur died in 1965.

When was Amudhan R P born?

Amudhan R P was born in 1971.

When was R. P. Singh born?

R. P. Singh was born in 1985.