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A perfect example is one that highly represents some unique properties of a group as a subject being considered. It might be used to explain a group character as a whole.

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Q: What is a Perfect or typical example?
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The definition of the word 'quintessentially' is to describe the perfect example of a class or quality. Some synonyms of the term 'quintessentially' are classic, ideal, typical and ultimate.

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A number multiplied by itself is a perfect square as for example 5 times 5 = 25 which is a perfect square

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A typical example is something that is the most likely scenario or outcome. The outcome would not be distinct or unique in any way.

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An example is 'I had finished my homework'

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No, a typical soil sample is heterogeneous.

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If you are looking for a word which means 'a perfect example of a group or character', the word is quintessential.

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The present perfect tense of "destroy" is "have destroyed." For example: "I have destroyed the old building."