There are 48 different numbers that are considered to be perfect numbers. The perfect numbers that are up to 100 include 6 and 28.
no, 10 is not a perfect square. in order for a number to be a perfect square, you have to see if the numbers that are multiplied to get it are the same. for example: 2x2=4; 4 is a perfect square. 12x12=144; 144 is also a perfect square 5x2=10 or 10x1=10. 10 isn't a perfect square because 5 and 2, and 10 and 1, are different numbers.
81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.
By definition, ALL perfect squares are whole numbers!
6, 28, 496 and 8128 are the first four Perfect numbers.
an example of a near perfect number is 2, 4 or 16.-these are near-perfect numbers because their factors add up to one less than the number itself.
A perfect number is only classified as a perfect number because all of its proper divisors add up to itself. For example, the proper divisors of six are one, two and three. Those numbers added together equal six. Therefore, six is a perfect number.
Yes as for example: 2+23 = 25 or 2+47 = 49
The square roots of perfect squares are the numbers that when squared create perfect squares as for example 36 is a perfect square and its square root is 6 which when squared is 36
There are no perfect numbers between 20 and 30. Perfect numbers are numbers that are equal to the sum of their proper divisors, excluding the number itself. The perfect numbers within this range would be 28, but that is incorrect as 28 is not a perfect number.
There are 48 different numbers that are considered to be perfect numbers. The perfect numbers that are up to 100 include 6 and 28.
no, 10 is not a perfect square. in order for a number to be a perfect square, you have to see if the numbers that are multiplied to get it are the same. for example: 2x2=4; 4 is a perfect square. 12x12=144; 144 is also a perfect square 5x2=10 or 10x1=10. 10 isn't a perfect square because 5 and 2, and 10 and 1, are different numbers.
If the sum of all a number's factors (factors that are smaller than the number itself) is equal to the number itself, the number is said to be "perfect". For example, the factors of 6 (excluding 6 itself) are 1, 2, and 3; and the sum of these numbers is exactly 6. The smallest perfect numbers are 6, 28, 496, 8128. It isn't known whether the set of perfect numbers is finite or infinite. Also, it isn't known whether there are any odd perfect number; all known perfect numbers are even.
No. The only perfect numbers less than 100 are 6 and 28. All known perfect numbers are even - it is unknown whether there are odd perfect numbers.
81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.
By definition, ALL perfect squares are whole numbers!
6, 28, 496 and 8128 are the first four Perfect numbers.