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Q: What is a Scientific digit?
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0.503..the 3

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When recording measurements obtained by the use of scientific equipment the last digit is?

The last digit is insignificant figure or uncertain .

What is 1.07 written in scientific notation?

Since the decimal place is between the leading nonzero digit and the adjacent digit on the right, there is no need to shift the decimal point. Therefore, 1.07 in scientific notation is: 1.07 * 100

How many atomic mass uniuts are there in 4.8g in scientific notation?

In scientific notation, we have 4.8 x 100 g since the decimal place occurs between the leading nonzero digit and the adjacent digit.

When writing a number in scientific notation. how many digits should be to the left of a decimal point?

In scientific notation, you should have only one digit to the left of the decimal point.

How do you say a 41 digit number?

You best use scientific notation for such large numbers.

Why is 425 times 10 to the 5 power not scientific notation?

Since a decimal point is not located between the leading nonzero digit and the adjacent digit, the term is not in scientific notation. So to make that term in scientific notation, shift 2 more decimal places to obtain 4.25 x 107.

What are the rules in adding and subtracting significant figure and scientific notation?

you take the last digit in the first one and add/subtract it to the last digit in the second one and that is your answer

How write 19.314 into a scientific notation?

1.9314 X 10. Note that in scientific notation, usually only one digit is to the left of the decimal point.

What is an eighteen digit number called?

A very big number! In Europe an 18 digit number is in the trillions. In the US an 18 digit number is in the quintillions. Lots of room for misunderstanding here, best to use scientific notation!

What is 3.000 divided by 1?