when converting a fraction to a decimal, some of the answers will be repeating decimals. A bar or line is sometimes placed over the part of the decimal that keeps repeating. ex: 0.24242424 etc. can be written as 0.24 with a 'bar' over the 24 to show that it keeps repeating.
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Does my answer reflect to the d
a bar chart
A horizontal line, placed above a symbol.Also (in physics), a bar is a unit of pressure. 1 bar = 100,000 pascal.
the repeating term of a decimal
It represents a repeating decimal
bar modeling is math
is = in math
Does my answer reflect to the d
a bar chart
The bar graph would go into the math category.That's not what I meant!
A horizontal line, placed above a symbol.Also (in physics), a bar is a unit of pressure. 1 bar = 100,000 pascal.
and x with a bar over the top.
the repeating term of a decimal
Its simple jail